
ISO14001 Success Securing a Contract to Print The Environmentalist Magazine

Northampton based Printhaus has secured a contract to print ‘the environmentalist’ magazine. In April 2005, the company achieved certification to ISO 14001 and David Mallon who manages all the print production work on the IEMA’s major publications, presented the award to senior staff at Printhaus. David said, “I have been especially impressed by the quality of their work, and the certification and my discussions with them are serious about making environmental improvements.”

Mark Hughes of Printhaus said, “The certification experience highlighted areas of environmental concern for which we are all responsible. It has provided us with a platform to share and communicate our commitment to reducing harmful impacts. One of our objectives was to purchase presses which will be vastly more energy and paper efficient and enable us to reduce the use of alcohol to zero. ISO 14001 is not just a piece of paper; this whole process has been vital to the continuing success and growth of business and to sustaining environmental improvements. We look forward to seeing the first copies of ‘the environmentalist’ being printed.”

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